Ashley King

Raising Warriors

If you cruise around El Paso to local parks or outdoor venues that include any sort of jungle gym equipment or objects you can climb on and jump off of, you might find Ashley King and a bunch of miniature humans performing some really awesome workouts. Ashley, founder of “Raising Warriors – Youth Fitness and Gymnastics” is a certified fitness trainer who specializes in youth athletic training. She is based here in El Paso and has a very unique approach to her fitness program which targets teaching proper form and body mechanics.

While visiting with her during our interview, I immediately noticed her organizational skills in the setup of her exercise circuits. She had a well thought out workout created with stations that embedded cardio, balance, resistance training and warm up drills. I was impressed with how her trainees (two young girls, about elementary school age) were able to make their way through the routine with little guidance, most of which was just minor form adjustments or initial exercise explanations to get them started.

As I delved into asking Ashley about her program, she emphasized how when she first started working out, she didn’t have the technique and form she should have and she also didn’t have anyone to correct her so she could improve. Once she started learning about training and form, she realized the benefits of proper body mechanics and how much form impacts your strength, conditioning, agility, and overall performance. Because of this, she ensures that her youth training caters to individual needs of each child, including teaching the basics and allowing each child to progressively promote to the next level of training, all while having a blast learning new moves, routines, and building a community of support! For more information on Raising Warriors, scan the QR code to see our full interview. Also, reach out to Ashley to learn about her adult program that is starting to take off as well.

Written by: Stacie Juul

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