Capturing Life’s Precious Moments Through Art

It’s this very moment right here, in your hands, reading this article, with hunger for an experience.
There is a pause that breaks the noise buzzing in life and I get to take a breath and recognize how precious these seconds are, how can I keep them?
It’s a pause we all subconsciously take to appreciate what’s in front of us so that we can take this same feeling with us to the very end, however, the problem with that, is exactly just that, it goes with us.
We search for something greater than ourselves and become a pawn in a game conjured up by the pressures of what we believe we should be which ironically molds us to become what we need to be all along.

How I ended up here and who I became is far too bland of a conversation If all I can use is my words, but I can show you.
Just like I can show you the moment an eager and excited couple discovers they’re having a beautiful little girl.
Or the moment a bride’s eyes light up right before she says “I do”.
Much like the moment a father sees his son at bat for the first time.

Or when the young entrepreneur finally gets their big break.
How about the intensity of an immensely successful kitchen crafting and cooking with the finest ingredients to create a dish with immaculate execution, do you feel the stress?
Or a professional bodybuilder showcasing her strengths and expressing how she overcame her feats because the only difference between us and these amazing people lies in their sacrifice.
I can show you the violence and masterful technique of professional fighters displaying such a skillset we might only believe to be real watching movies.

Together and with these moments, our memories are infinite.
They’re the only way back to the past and the only way to remind us how we got here.
It’s a piece of myself stamped into the sands of time, hoping I leave tracks for someone else to find so they can experience
the path we set together.
My art is moments, moments that allow you to experience things you felt for the first time twice.

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