Diversity in Self-Care Stimulates the Whole


Over 75 total gym locations in El Paso offer an opportunity to level up on the fitness front, meaning you’re likely to stumble into a gym within a 3 mile radius or less. Still, the prevalence of diabetes ranks higher than national levels, and obesity weighs down 34% of the local population.

BMI spoke with Matteo Morris, a holistic trainer in El Paso, Texas who’s physical training success is accelerated through multiple channels of energy management demonstrated beyond an individual’s physique.

Q: Can you describe to readers the role of a Holistic Trainer?

A: When you look at holistic, it encompasses everything, the whole person. We look at what their goals are and bring everything together in body, mind, spirit, and nutrition. When I begin training somebody, we don’t look at just the physical aspects, I also want to look at their emotional mental state, their nutrition, how they’re sleeping, how they’re hydrating, how they’re leading their life. And if we can approach and teach from all those different aspects, we can create a healthier, happier whole individual.

Q: How did you come to realize that taking on a holistic approach was more effective for your clients?

A: As I gained more experience working with more people, I realized that there was just so many more components behind physical training. I had to look at people’s emotional state when people would struggle making it to the gym, or food habits. I did realize really fast that I needed to keep people motivated, and it wasn’t something that I could necessarily do for somebody, that’s something that had to come from that individual. My role was more of creating intrinsic values to become something along the lines of: I want to create a healthy lifestyle to last for the rest of my life.

Q. Tell us more about the blossoming of your clients.

A: I like to use the word: unfolding. If you think about a flower blossoming, you compare that to the unfolding process within a person; and this person is a flower, and each petal, as it opens up, is a new life lesson with more experiences. I personally came from a place that needed healing, I came from a place of sickness and illness. I slowly found a path to heal myself. What I learned was that the body and mind are capable of healing themselves. That can be anything from emotional mental distress, to anything physical. Because I experienced this personally, it’s something that I wanted to pass on and teach to other people. When I’m teaching these things, and providing these tools that worked for me, I get to witness these people’s lives unfold and change weather. They’re losing 60 or 70 pounds, their confidence grows, and then their mental and emotional states level out, and they just become a whole healthy individual. And it’s just beautiful to be able to watch and witness somebody that comes in with low self-esteem, or maybe a terrible love life, struggling with relationships or just themselves. To be able to witness that it’s just so beautiful, it’s become very fulfilling for me.

Q: How would you say the holistic approach optimizes attainment of physical goals?

A: When you have more emotional and mental balance, you’re able to handle and approach life in a healthier way, you now have the energy to handle the problems. When your body is depleted of energy from not sleeping well or hydrating, well, your energy is low, and you just can’t take things on as effectively. But if we’re addressing all these other things, then you naturally have the capacity to handle anything that just comes your way. Creating boundaries to prioritize yourself, your sleep, nutrition and exercise. That eliminates the physical and emotional tension that builds throughout the day or life. Life is always going to have issues and problems and lessons. But if you can put yourself at a place where you can handle those things and relate in the healthiest possible way, then you’re going to handle the rest of your life that way.

Matteo braids fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, and mindset coaching as a multi-layered support system for his fitness program. He serves clients in West El Paso in the areas of yoga, breathwork, and strength and conditioning. For slot availability and immersive daily tips for an optimized self, visit: instagram.com/


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