Hanany Olympic Project


Perhaps it’s just my love for track and field, or maybe this truly is a hidden treasure that just hasn’t been tapped into yet, but I can’t explain just how hyped up I am to have learned that we have a professional track team practicing right here in El Paso!!! Whaaaaat???!!! I know, right? Putting in work at local area high school tracks and local gyms, you can find the team members who are part of the Hanany Olympic Project, coached by former olympian, Mickael Hanany. I had the privilege of interviewing Coach Hanany to find out a little bit about the team, how they landed here in El Paso, and what some of their upcoming goals are for this track season.

So let’s start with who Mickael Hanany is and how he ended up in El Paso. Recruited by SMU, Hanany came to the United States from France through a track and field opportunity for high jump. Unfortunately, Title 9 led to the men’s track program getting cut, which then re-routed Hanany to UTEP, a choice he made while multiple big offers were presented to him. Here he competed and won national championships (NCAA) in 2008 and proceeded to become an olympic competitor, which he humbly tried to leave out of the interview…but nothing gets past me; I had already done my due diligence to cyber stalk his professional achievements before reaching out for the interview. From there, he settled down in El Paso where he and his family now live.

This cleared up my question of how he landed and stayed in El Paso, but then I inquired as to how he ended up building a team of athletes, most of whom were not originally from the U.S to create this team of now 16 participants. Oddly enough, the formation of the team started developing on its own. About to retire from track, Hanany came across athletes who his friend used to train who were in need of a new coach; they went to him and asked if he could start coaching them. Beginning with a group of about 6 athletes, through hard work and continued success, he attracted more and now has a team of 16! Some of their accomplishments include: 

5 athletes on the French National Team
1 athlete on the Jamaican National Team
3 athletes who are Olympians
2 athletes endorsed by Nike (soon to be 3)

One athlete in particular, “Dooms,” has accolades such as 6x French champion, and Olympian.

This year, Coach Hanany is preparing his athletes to compete in some major upcoming events, such as the World Championships and the Olympics, which take place next year. Some will also be competing in the Diamond League and are seeking endorsements by big companies. Luckily, their performance so far has helped a few of the athletes lock in endorsements, but many of the athletes are still available, so if you or someone you know is interested in endorsing or sponsoring any of these amazing track stars, reach out and let them know. As the season continues, they will be coming up on expenses for travel and equipment that can really help advance their current training. All endorsements and/
or sponsorships are greatly appreciated.

So, as their #1 fan, I would like to wish them a very prosperous season and I hope you all keep an eye out for them as they are out and about our hometown right here in El Paso!

To learn more and view the full interview, scan the QR code, and don’t forget to go follow the team’s success on their Instagram
account @hananyolympicproject

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