Juul Fitness Fascial Stretch Therapy


The brand of stretch I use, Frederick Stretch Therapy, utilizes a variety of techniques to decompress and create space throughout the fascial network and joints within your body. FST also stretches not just the muscles in isolation, but your entire fascial net as a whole. This allows for a broad line of benefits for the full spectrum of ages, body types, fitness levels, and overall ability. FST has been utilized as a means to improve mood and sleep as well. Stretching is customized based on client needs.

  • A Bit About Me

    I believe that fitness goes well beyond looking a certain way. Fitness is a way of life, a commitment to yourself and your family, and something you must be consistent with. I fell in love with health and fitness at a young age and have managed to turn my passion into a career as a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and a Level 2 certified Frederick Stretch Therapist through the Stretch to Win Institute. My experience in health and fitness consists of being an athletics coach for about 7 years through local El Paso area school districts (starting back in 2010), a personal trainer since 2018, and a nutrition coach and Frederick Stretch Therapist as of 2022. I look forward to showing others how much happiness and positive change an impactful fitness program can bring into their lives both mentally and physically.

  • What I Do

    Develop customized Frederick stretch therapy sessions catered to my client needs, abilities, and goals.

  • Increase Range of Motion

    For daily mobility or athletic performance: Whether you are a professional athlete or a regular Joe/Jane, FST can help increase your current range of motion.

  • Reduce Pain

    Create space in the joints and increase endorphins: The traction techniques used in FST allows me to create space within your joints and release endorphins, which can help with pain reduction.

  • Improve Mood & Sleep Quality

    Pain reduction, increase flexibility, release endorphins FST has been shown to improve mood in people through endor- phin release, the human touch component, and overall relaxation.

  • Overall Maintenance

    All Ages, All Levels. Whatever your goals and needs, let me help you get started on your journey to a healthier, happier, you through FST!!!

A very special thank you to Fit City Gym and Garcia’s House of Boxing for giving me a west side and east side location to stretch in when I first started building my stretch therapy business. I couldn’t have

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