Muscle Era Supplements


Walking into Muscle Era Supplements, I immediately noticed a different feel to the store. The alternating white and black shelves, the organization of the products (which would satisfy any person with OCD), and the knowledge of the owner in regard to all of his supplements was very appealing. I was quite impressed!

Maicol Agundez, owner of Muscle Era Supplements, is proud of his business for multiple reasons, and has every right to be.

He also ensures that he maintains a knowledgeable staff who are capable of customizing purchases for each client’s individual needs based on their health and their goals. From his vitamins, to proteins, all the way to his fitness clothing line, you will find an assortment of products for all of your health and fitness needs.

Here at Muscle Era Supplements, Maicol wants his clients and future clients to know that whether your goal is weight loss, muscle gain, or even daily functioning and health, he’s got the staff to guide you in the right direction and the products to help you meet your goals. They also have a trendy clothing line that looks and feels great, so that you can feel confident while you hit the gym. Come by and check them out at 1491 Lee Trevino Dr C, El Paso, TX 79936.

Written by: Stacie Juul

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