St. Patty’s Day Heart Healthy

Super Green Smoothie

February is American Heart Month

As we close out issue two of BMI this month we decided to discuss a little bit about heart health and incorporate a supergreen smoothie recipe in honor of St Patrick’s Day coming up on March 17th.

I think it’s safe to say, or at least assume, that we have all been told at some point in our lives, usually an early point in our lives, to “eat healthy”. Sounds simple doesn’t it? However, cardiovascular disease still remains the No. 1 leading cause of death in the U.S. according to the American Heart Association (AHA). Despite the simplicity of telling one to “eat healthy”, what I’ve come to understand from working in my field is that many people feel they lack knowledge and direction in what a healthy diet consists of, or even if they do understand what those foods consist of, they struggle to utilize the foods as ingredients to make a meal or snack they actually look forward to eating and enjoying.

The lack of education and guidance can quickly discourage one from adhering and committing oneself to a healthier lifestyle. Many individuals find themselves binging or falling back into the same hands that got them in trouble to begin with. The AHA has also gone on to state that the best practice to prevent coronary disease is lifestyle modifications, starting with diet and exercise.

Although there is not one single reason for developing coronary artery disease (CAD), an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle can be one of the contributing factors in developing atherosclerosis, a condition in which arteries become narrow and blocked with fatty deposits known as plaque. CAD puts you at risk for heart attack and stroke.

The good news is that by taking responsibility for your health, you can prevent this with healthy eating and increasing daily activity.

Below we have attached the ingredients and QR code to give you a supergreen smoothie recipe and we’ll also be covering the benefits of each ingredient below when you give us a view.


   – Nate’s raw and organic honey
   – Quaker 2 minute oatmeal
   – Jif low sodium peanut butter
   – Organic pure moringa superw greens
   – Purelife chocolate protein
   – Silk original Almond milk
   – Bananas
   – Ice

Written by: Stacie Juul

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