Sticky Pounds May Be Linked to a Jam in Your Energy CentersMoments Through Art

The catalyst for taking the first steps in a fitness journey vary from person to person, with goals surrounding overall health, physical appearance, and general lifestyle changes. No matter the reasons behind taking on a physical fitness routine, there is nothing more disheartening than sluggish results. Several factors play into successful weight loss, muscle gain, and endurance that range from diet and nutrition, workout routines and things like age, sleep, health history and genetics. BUT, what if you’re doing everything right, your health is on point, and you’ve checked every box set forth by your trainer? If the scale is still at a snail’s crawl after months of hard work, the trainer, routine, or diet may not be what’s to blame for the sticky pounds. A commonly overlooked culprit to sluggish weight loss results is stagnant energy flow linked directly to the energy centers, also known as chakras.

A Chakra Crash Course

Let’s think in terms of our cardiovascular systems – when they’re clogged with cholesterol and fat, they slow blood flow to the heart, causing a complete jam across the entire body’s delivery of nutrients and oxygen. It’s a domino effect that leads to worsening symptoms that eventually develop into high risk illness over time.

Similarly, energy centers channeling through various systems can become blocked, affecting the flow of health and vitality. Things like digestion and metabolism, mental health, blood flow, and essentially every aspect of survival is linked, in one way or another, to the chakras. A Hindu and Buddhist concept since 1500-500 B.C., chakras are seven spinning energy centers stacked through the body, starting with the bottom of the spine to the top of the head. Beyond linking to physical health, this energy system also connects to mental and emotional functions.

The Ripple Effect of Blockages With Weight Loss

The Ripple Effect of Blockages With Weight Loss Since chakras are  associated with energy flow, obstructions are often linked to stress, poor lifestyle habits, emotional trauma, and the persistence of negative emotions and environments. The effects of cortisol (from stress), resentment, anger, fear, sadness, and malnutrition chip away at the vitality of specific centers, impeding the effectiveness of every anatomical system. In the case of stubborn weight loss, evaluating the solar plexus and throat chakras for imbalance may reveal issues with the endocrine and digestive systems. A blocked throat chakra is often linked to thyroid issues that directly impact metabolic regulation. When it comes to the solar plexus chakra, blockages can lead to issues with digestion and blood sugar regulation that contribute to metabolic stagnance. Although it’s possible to reach fitness goals with chakra imbalances, it’s likely that the time frame will be prolonged; and failure to address the root causes of the blockages won’t prevent the effects of energy stagnance on long-term health.

Clearing the Energetic Clogs

Every chakra has a purpose, and commitment to daily alignment of the centers is key to vitality for the physical and mental state. When dealing with the solar plexus and throat chakras, the path to freeing the stuck energy revolves around working inwardly to connect to the origin of the blocks. The solar plexus, also known as the manipura chakra located in the area of the belly, is generally associated with energy, strength, confidence and strong will. When underactive, there are usually feelings of guilt, fatigue, worthlessness, low self-esteem and a victim mentality. A
blocked solar plexus is commonly linked to gastric issues, anxiety, diabetes and pancreatic issues. These problems commonly stem from trauma associated with feelings of personal power being taken away, usually by way of shame, humiliation, or guilt.

A harmonized throat (vishuddha) chakra is represented by a clear voice with authentic and confident self expression, great listening skills, and effective communication. When deficient, one may experience issues with thyroid, throat, ears, trouble with self-expression, and an inability to effectively communicate. Trauma associated with speaking up and fear of expression possibly stemming from abuse, humiliation, failure can lead to a blocked throat chakra.

Stress and trauma are major factors in the blockages of these particular chakras where triggers and environments release a variety of stress hormones that cultivate within the centers. Oftentimes, the sympathetic nervous system is permanently activated in victims of trauma and chronic stress, forcing the body to remain in ‘survival mode.’ When a person is in survival mode, the body is under the impression that a threat is ever-present, and in a constant state of hyper vigilance and sensitivity even the slightest perception of a threat (also known as complex PTSD or CPTSD.) When the sympathetic nervous system is activated, the body cannot go into a ‘rest and digest’ state, and induces weight gain. Over time, the accumulation and improper processing of emotional triggers and/or stressful environments weigh down the physical systems of the body. This leads to blocks in energy flow that contribute to inefficient weight loss efforts. Fortunately, countless modalities exist to dissolve the obstructions within the energy fields ranging from somatic practices like myofascial stretching, breathwork, yoga, acupuncture, and
various types of bodywork. Additionally, establishing lifestyle practices around meditation, emotional intelligence exercises, journaling, mindfulness and environmental harmony will help align and heal the energy systems.

It takes a certain level of audacity to address lifelong cultural habits that have contributed to imbalances in the chakras. For personal coaching on energy calibration and mental fitness to help your overall energetic frequencies rise, email Bianca Beastly at

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