Tea2Go TeaN’ergy


This month we welcome back Tea2Go TeaN’ergy. With a mission to help people build a healthy lifestyle through the benefits of loose-leaf tea while improving the communities they are a part of Healthy Tea 4 Healthy Living!. During this visit, we decided to explore a couple of the specific services they offer.

As everyone knows, Tea2Go TeaN’ergy is best known for their specialty drinks, energy drinks, and loose leaf teas. What you may not know is that they are also a water depot! Not only do they distribute RO water, but they also utilize it throughout the whole store for their other beverages. Are you looking for a refreshing, healthy drink? Then you have to come by and check out Tea2Go TeaN’ergy and the difference RO water makes.

If you’re like my friend Lauren and me, you may not be familiar with RO water or its benefits. So we decided to investigate in order to bring you the scoop. To get you the details, we went to Tea2Go TeaN’ergy to watch and ask about a million questions as Justin, one of the employees, prepped an order of RO water for a drive through client. Here is a bit of what we learned and what now has us convinced to start ordering RO water for healthier drinks.

All of the water and ice used at Tea2Go is RO (Reversed Osmosis purified) water. They use the best equipment and technology on the market to provide the cleanest RO water in town! Your water jugs can be sanitized/cleaned in-store. They also fill your hydro jugs, or any jug up to 5 gallons, with RO ice and water. The 5 gallon is $16.25. You can also bring in your empty 5 gallon jug to have it cleaned/sanitized, refilled, and sealed for $3.00. Tea2Go TeaN’ergy also offers the same service for any sized gallon and they have carry out service.

A lot of gym-goers like to pull up right before their workouts to fill up their hydro jugs with fresh water and grab a healthy Tea2Go TeaN’ergy drink as well. The energy drinks are specially formulated to not only quench your thirst, but to give you back the pep you need to get through anything. So go check them out in the morning, afternoon, or night. No matter the reason, they have the perfect tea for you at Tea2Go TeaN’ergy.

Just clean, sugar free TeaN’ergy!
Don’t forget to download the app!

You can find it at https://tea2go.us/app-download/

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