The dance of existence sustains its rhythm in the artful balance of mind, body, and soul

True fitness can only be attained when the systems within this existential trifecta are tuned complements of each other. Regardless of one’s faith, combining sciences with spirituality compounds the successful outcome most of us seek in physique, with the rewarding byproduct of emotional and psychological unity. Reaching this harmony allows our internal, self-mastered environment to become the driver of our lives, rather than leaving the external world zig-zags to map our life trajectories. 

Why should this matter to you? As a reader of BMI Magazine, it’s safe to assume you have a mission to live a happy, healthy life, to feel good, and to be proud of living in your own skin. But to truly reach the heights of feel-good potential, it takes more than meal plans and a gym membership. 

Sustaining life vibrance requires a mastery of energy. However, before that mastery must come the self awareness that this master lives within you, often buried deep under subconscious belief systems, calcified consumption of content, and everyday external world noise unavoidable in the realm of human existence. Training your body while awakening your inner energy master will go beyond accelerating your physical goals and trickle into all aspects of your life with relationships, life purpose, and overall satisfaction and self-love.  

All of this comes down to the management, alignment, and transfer of energy reserves. We already know that our nutrition plans and exercise routines revolve around components that feed our capacity to exert energy that build muscle or burn fat. These models undeniably work for us, but they’re only as effective as their single lane approach. Although a sculpted, seemingly fit body paints a picture of success, it’s only a fraction of the wealth in true holistic well being. Layer upon layer of systems exist within the framework of mental, physical and spiritual health that dictate our states of peace, arousal, motivation, pleasure, and survival. I learned this by accident, as my consumption of the physical fitness standard revolved around surface level nutrition and exercise that worked perfectly fine until one day, it didn’t. Some would attribute slower metabolism and minimal muscular growth to age, thyroid imbalance, genetics, and my favorite: ‘mom bod.’ And although some of the assumptions were accurate in theory, the intuitive curiosity (and admittedly, outward denial of not being able to get my body back) led me on the inadvertent journey to harmonically piecing my systems back together. What started as a surface-level desire to look better in front of the mirror sent me through layers of subconscious digging and discovery that led to my ever-evolving mastery of energy. What’s mind blowing about accessing this inner master is the process of unbecoming rather than becoming. The acts of peeling away layers of coping mechanisms through nervous system regulation, reward system rewiring, immune system supplementation, and energy center tuning orchestrated an explosion of awareness. This newfound self-acceptance and flow of inner peace is incapable of drowning in the tumultuous waters of reality. Learning to courageously hold emotions across polar opposite ends of the feelings spectrum was an unexpected spinoff of self evolution that I truly believe is the birthright of every human in existence. One must simply have the audacity to face themselves in claiming that freedom. I’m honored to serve you through my written series at BMI Magazine that will focus on energy mastery and physical well being with healthy doses of science and spirituality from renowned practitioners across the world.

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