The Hike

Recently, we’ve been at home, stuck inside, avoiding the cold, windy weather. For some of us, this was a nice break but for others it was a tough time. Getting outside, seeing other people and feeling the sun soak into your skin can strengthen your mental health and luckily the El Paso sun has decided to shine, our weather has gotten delightfully warm and the trails are now calling our names.

I decided that Sunday, March fifth, was going to be my first day back outside. I was going on a hike. The week before was filled with insufferable weather, so I made sure to check the weather app on my phone and to my surprise it was going to be a perfect day. No wind, no rain, no random snowstorm, just the bright Texas sun and a slight breeze.

I invited a friend to join my daughter and I at the Lost Dog Trail located on the west side. This was the perfect trail to begin with. We were familiar with the trail, it was only about two miles all the way around and most of the trail was flat, with only a couple uphill moments. This meant that beginners, kids and anyone just getting back into hiking, that’s me, would be able to complete the entire trail and feel accomplished in the end.

Once I grabbed all the essentials, including lots of water, sun-screen, healthy snacks for after the hike and my fanny pack, we headed out the door and excitedly drove to the trail. As soon as we got there, we began to stretch as we waited for my friend to join us. We did a quick active stretch, mainly for the hamstrings and thighs and then we were off.

Throughout the hike my friend and I spoke of all the crazy wonderful things happening in our lives. We shared exciting news and created plans for the future. We talked and talked, therapeutically venting. My daughter explored the outdoors, fascinated by the butterflies that came out to play and by all the beautiful plants that were ready to bloom for spring. She asked tons of questions, as we walked, and although I didn’t have all the answers, I was happy to see her so interested.

When we were near the end of the trail, we all discussed how this hike was very much needed. Each of us with a different reason but still clear that we didn’t want it to end. We could’ve stayed out there all day, enjoying such beautiful weather and good company.

Sometimes a hike is what we need to reset. Sometimes it’s a different scenery or the people we surround ourselves with. Maybe it’s just the vitamin D we need to bring some color and life back to our bodies. For myself, it was all of the above that strengthened my mental health. I left the hike feeling clear and fresh. I felt ready to tackle the week ahead and ready for spring to come. I felt like I had taken care of me.

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